Information in English


The 27th Colours of Sepsis


January 28th - 31st 2025


  • Clarion Congress Hotel Ostrava

Main topics

  • Severe sepsis
  • 12th Postgraduate Course for Nurses in Intensive Care
  • 22nd Symposium: Pediatric Intensive Care up to date
  • 7th Day of Young Intensivists

Coordinator and supervisor of scientic programme

  • Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny FN Ostrava
  • Klinika dětského lékařství FN Ostrava

Event organiser

On-course activities

Postgradual lecture

Top-level lecture, presents "State of The Art" of the topic. Should not be limited to lecturer’s own study results or opinions. The lecture takes 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion, which is moderated from the chair.

Meet the experts

Discussion of two experts, changing their opinions with each other and members of the audience as well. It can be supported by short (5-10 minutes) presentation. This type of activity lays stress on discussion and takes 45 minutes. No moderator is present.

Pro-Con Discussion

Both opponents present 10 minutes presentation to support their opinions on the topic. Following general discussion is moderated by the moderator. "Pro-Con Discussion" takes 45 min.

Teaching Lecture

The lecturer is presenting theoretical, but mainly practical aspects of the topic. Presentation is expected to evocate discussion. Case report presentation is advised to be illustrative. "Teaching lecture" takes 45 minutes. No moderator is present.

Basics for Intensive Care Medicine

Monothematic bloc of 5 – 7 lectures. The lecturers are deeply involved in pathophysiology and it’s clinical applications. The lecturers moderate discussion. One lecture takes 45 minutes.

Panel Discussion

Each participant of the panel is asked by moderator to present (2-3 minutes) his/her opinion on the topic, followed by general discussion including members of the audience. Graphic presentation (projection) is not allowed. "Panel Discussion" takes 45 minutes. If previous Postgraduate Lecture is the topic of Panel Discussion, it takes 30 minutes.

Poster Section

Posters are mainly focused on practical results, treatment and care options or interested case reports on the field of severe sepsis. First author presents their results and opinions by-the-poster at scheduled time to the commission and the auditor. Posters should be displayed during whole Course time.

General information

The Colours of Sepsis (before known as PG Course on Sepsis and MODS) is held annually in January in Ostrava, Czech Republic. It is dedicated to the postgraduate education of healthcare practitioners in intensive care medicine. The Colours of Sepsis is organised by Sanopharm CZ in close cooperation with the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and the Department of Paediatric Intensive Care of the University Hospital Ostrava, Czech Republic. The head of the organisational committee is Roman Kula, MD, PhD. Since 2004, the Colours of Sepsis is organised under the patronage of University Hospital Ostrava and Czech and Slovak Forum for Sepsis, and since 2005 in co-operation with scientific and medical societies of Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyne and Slovak Medical Association, Czech Professional and Trade Union of Health Workers, Czech Association of Nurses and Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives.


CLARION CONGRESS HOTEL in Ostrava, Czech Republic

History of the Course

The Colours of Sepsis started in 1999 as a Postgraduate Course on Sepsis and MODS. First year was attended by seventeen participants, and eight physicians from the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care of University Hospital in Ostrava presented here ten lectures. Following next nineteen years, 11617 registered participants attended the Colours of Sepsis. Lecturers are usually well known and respected experts in field of intensive care medicine. Participants from Slovak republic and and other countries attend the Colours of Sepsis since 2000, and since 2004, also VIP speakers of world intensive care medicine are taking part in this scientific meeting.